This is my online task for next week (don't forget I will be watching you from London).
Can you identify the pictures and its painters in this video?
Write a comment in this article and include one picture title, its author and your name and course. I will give you a positive mark.
From abstract to figurative and... we got SURREALISTIC COLLAGES!
Now, practice surrealism with Surreal Painter. It is an interactive activity from Wadsworth Atheneum Museum (Connecticut). You can practice with relationships among different items (sizes -far, near-, overlapping, tranparency...).
Os dejo la información de las tareas para la próxima semana (estaré en Londres con un grupo de 4º bilingüe) en castellano para que los grupos no bilingües puedan seguirlos con mayor facilidad:
A.- La línea configuradora de formas:
En un A4, inventa una forma y trabájala con líneas curvas como en el ejemplo siguiente:
Recordad las instrucciones que os di en clase: dibujad el contorno a lápiz y las líneas, que originarán las formas, a rotulador o bolígrafo, así se podrán borrar luego las líneas del contorno sin que el resto se pierda. Una buena noticia para vosotros: no tenéis que usar reglas para las líneas, se hacen a mano, así conseguiréis más expresividad.
Al hilo de este trabajo, y como curiosidad, acceder a esta otra tarea de alumnos de 1º de ESO, La línea y la almeja.
B.- La línea delimitadora de formas: Mira este vídeo:
En un A4, traza dos líneas horizontales y trabaja sobre ellas dos dibujos al estilo de los mostrados en el vídeo. Cada uno de los dibujos debe poder ser trazado sin levantar el rotulador del papel para que sea una línea continua. Antes, puedes trazarlo a lápiz. Aquí tienes unos ejemplos:
Ubicación de las fotos en Picasa, para su modificación con el programa online Picnik. También podéis usar BeFunky.
This wonderful morphing video has been created with Abrasoft FantMorph. It is a commercial software but you can try a 30 days free trial.
If you only want to start mophing, you can use a free online software: MorphThing. Your own faces can be uploaded, prepared and they will be mixed in a new one.
You and Glogster are getting on fantastically well!
Let's see some examples:
(Do not forget that they are audiovisual posters, so as I have embeded them, you can click on images, videos, graphics...).
By Bartos
By Javier and Patricia
By los que faltaban
By Hanin
By Raúl F.
By Sara and Iulia
By Samuel and Alfonso
Now, you will have to create your team final artwork based on your team handmade sketches and your team glogster tests.
Don't forget it has to include:
The advertising campaign slogan.
The travel agency's name.
Your design team's name.
Some pictures and/or background.
Something in relation to travels for disabled people (in picture, pictogram or slogan).
A piece of advice:
If you want to use a pictogram for disabled people in Glogster, write in your computer search window PNG with the name of the images type you are looking for. You will get PNG files instead of JPG or BMP files, and therefore you will get pictogram files with a transparent background.
Glogster is a social network that allows users to create free interactive posters, or "glogs". The glog, short for graphical blog, is an interactive multimedia image. It looks like a poster, but readers can interact with the content. Currently this social network has hundreds of thousands registered users. The majority of the Glogster community are teenagers.
Glogster provides an environment to design interactive posters. The user inserts text, images, photos, audio (MP3), videos, special effects and other elements into their glogs to generate a multimedia online creation. Posters can be shared with other people. Glogs can also be exported and saved to computer-compatible formats.
So, you will be able to generate a poster with this tool in order to congratulate a friend, to express yourself, the music or sports your are fond of, social poster or even a school task (instead of using PowerPoint, for example) and you will be very original.
If you want, you can create your ONCE advertisment using this tool, but as we will have to get it printed, it will not be a great idea to insert audio or video elements in your final artwork. You will need to register.