Tuesday 1 February 2011

Your tasks: Giocondas (figurative and abstract)

Giocondas - 1ºA on PhotoPeach

Giocondas - 1ºB on PhotoPeach

GIOCONDAS - 1ºCDadvanced on PhotoPeach

Giocondas - 1ºCDintermediate on PhotoPeach

Giocondas en collage - 4ºESO on PhotoPeach

The artists explain their abstract artworks
Your abstract Gioconda
Some of you have made a really great job:

"In my abstract painting I have used spirals, circles, curved lines, straight lines... I have used the same colors that in my figurative Gioconda. In my abstract painting you can imagine a Gioconda but it is not real. To interpretate the hands and the hair I have used spirals; and for the body I have used straight and curved lines". Laura M. -1ºB

"I have drawn this abstract painting because I think that the Gioconda is bassed on the way she puts her hands. That's why I have put straight lines to the circle and triangles ponting the circle. The two big squares are the arms and the stars are the eyes". Ohiane V. - 1ºA

"I made this drawing because Lisconda loves mathematics.
The numbers:
numbers 9 are the hair
number 6 is the head
numbers 1 are the hands
and numbers 8 and 4 are the dress". Lara - 1ºCDa

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