Friday, 25 February 2011

XVI certamen de cómic "Blasillo" 2011 para alumnos de Leganés, patrocinado por FORGES

He pensado que a lo mejor a algunos de vosotros os apetece participar en este concurso de cómic que están realizando los alumnos de Imagen y Comunicación de 2º de ESO. Eso sí, el plazo acaba el jueves próximo, pero no es mucho trabajo y puede ser divertido.

Antonio Fraguas "FORGES"

Os dejo aquí un enlace al concurso, premios, instrucciones y recomendaciones en el blog de Imagen. Si estáis interesad@s leed los dos artículos del enlace y podéis preparar un boceto del cómic para el lunes. Como podréis leer, el tema es LA CRISIS. Por supuesto, os pueden echar una manilla en casa.

No es una tarea obligatoria, pero claro, se recompensará a los participantes.

Sunday, 20 February 2011


Brainstorming =  Tormenta o lluvia de ideas

We are going to use this team-based creative thinking technique to make ideas come up:

  • Name of your team.
  • Name of the travel agency.
  • Slogan of your ad.

What NOT TO DO while brainstorming:

Wednesday, 16 February 2011


PICTOGRAMS (pictogramas) - SIGNAGE (señalética)
Graphic Sign: It's a simple image that represents an object, an idea, or transmits information.  They are very schematic, use universal codes and simple geometric shapes.

Some ideas from Alicia Ruiz in Flicker.


Advertising is a message paid by an identified advertiser that uses the mass media to persuade potential consumers and users to demand a particular product or service. Graphic design in advertising uses images and texts to create the most effective results.

In order to do the task, review what we learned months ago about posters and slogans.

And talking about ads... Something you SHOULD know: ¡NO DEJES QUE TE UTILICEN!


Friday, 11 February 2011

Un viaje para tod@s

After the good results in our last contest, now we are going to participate in a new one:

Although I will give you all the instructions, you should visit the contest web: 27 concurso ONCE.


El trabajo consiste en la realización de un cartel publicitario para una agencia de viajes que oferte su mejor producto:
Un viaje para tod@s.
Es decir, aquel viaje que también tenga en cuenta las necesidades de las personas con discapacidad para acceder a él y disfrutarlo en igualdad de oportunidades.
I think the competition is a good opportunity to raise awareness of the limitations of some people and try to make things easier for them on the day to day. Besides, all of you will work in groups (sketches and final work, of course).

It will be a great idea if you visit a real travel agency to inspire you (Viajes acceSIbles, Cruceros sin barreras, AccesibleBarcelona, AdaptamosGroup) or have a look to images in Google in Spanish and in English.

Blind perspective, by Four Docs
This video illustrates the sounds that a blind person hears.

Link to last year ONCE contest. They had to design the cover of a book. You can see every work published in a huge mosaic and a video with a lot of images to inspire you:

"Un viaje para tod@s" task

So, your task will be an advertisment "paid by a travel agency" to persuade potential disabled persons to book a trip, travel, journey, tour, drive, cruise or whatever you can imagine. It will be interesting to read and watch the information I will give you about ADVERTISMENTS and PICTOGRAMS very soon.

Joaquín's Golf. Joaquin Rodrigo was a famous Spanish composer, who, despite becoming blind at the age of three, learned how to play the piano and violin with the help of Braille. But let's pretend that Joaquin liked to get out of the concert hall and play some golf - blindness didn't stop him from composing music, so why should it stop him from whacking a little white ball?.
VozMe. Write something into the box and click to generate an MP3 file. Listen. Do you know what this tool could be used for? 
Loquendo. I'm sure some of you have heard about Loquendo. But you were in a mistake. Try it here.
Computing for disabled people. Have a look to these tools I collected some years ago.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Soldier Kids Poster Awards

Soldier Kids Poster Awards took place this morning in José de Saramago Cultural Center in Leganés. I'm sorry 1ºB and 1ºCD advanced and intermediate couldn't come. The Auditorium was completely full of students and only two groups of each High School could attend. You will agree with me that they had to be the ones of the winners.

  • Students Awards.
  • MSF (médicos sin fronteras) Presentation. Médicos sin fronteras de España.
  • "Invisibles" 2007, a Spanish documentary produced by Javier Bardem (Goya 2007, the best documentary). It has 5 parts. We have seen the one which has been directed by Fernando León. It's just fantastic. It tells us about the drama of several thousand of children of the northern parts of Uganda. These children walk every night before the night falls to avoid being kidnapped by soldiers. Fernando Leon films, not avoiding the beautiful scenery of Uganda, many of the children and their stories and also those who take care of the shelters where "the night commuters" ("los viajeros de la noche") go looking for protection every night.

    For those who couldn't come, you can watch the video here. The documentary directed by Fernando León, about soldier kids, begins at 00:38:25 in the video and finishes at 01:05:10.
  • Presentation about soldier kids.
  • Visit to the posters exhibition.

Create your own video slideshow at

We will have all your posters exhibited in our High School very soon, but you will have to help me.
And... you did it:

Próximo 12 de febrero: Día Internacional contra el uso de menores como soldados.
No estamos sólos, muchos estamos haciéndonos eco de este grave problema. Aquí os dejo el enlace a otro blog de educación de Sevilla tratando el mismo tema, centrándose en el Chad: Menores soldado en el Chad.

Y otro en el blog del IES Gran Capitán (¡Chic@s, estamos en Twitter!). Y en Lápices para la Paz. Y en Pasitos cortos. Y en Griseldaimas. Y en Por los derechos de todo ser indefenso. Y tantos más.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011


Georges Seurat invented the technique known as Pointillism, which uses tiny dots instead of broad strokes to put the paint on the canvas. The individual dots of red, yellow and blue are sucked in through your eyes and mixed up in your head to create a variety of shimmering shades.

Jackson Pollock (Jack the Dripper) was an American painter and a major figure in the abstract expressionist movement. Pollock's technique of pouring and dripping paint is thought to be one of the origins of the term action painting.

Alexander Calder is the most representative cinetic art sculptor.
Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) was a Russian-born artist who is often credited as being one of the first modern artists to create abstract art. Kandinsky's goal was to use brilliant color with geometric shapes, lines and points to create images that had no symbolic, figurative, or narrative elements.

  • Proyecto Agrega - El puntillismo. Pointillism. To work with pointillism online. In Spanish.
  • Pointillism Practice Page. Pointillism. Here's a place to point and paint.
  • Pollock interactive. Dripping Art. It’s a simple click and move the mouse around affair, but the feeling of the paint splodging around is surprisingly pleasant. Each click changes the color. Enjoy!
  • Mobiles, Calder style. Cinetic Art. Drag forms, create your own balanced mobile and make it move.
  • Kandinsky's kaleidoscope. Geometric Art. Play around with the controls at the bottom right to create geometric art with a kaleidoscope motion!.

The visual elements of an image

Now... let's see if you have been paying attention...

Thursday, 3 February 2011

And the Soldier kids poster contest winners are...

CATEGORÍA A, primer ciclo de ESO:

CATEGORÍA B, segundo ciclo de ESO:
Francisco Javier S. - 3ºC
Both from our High School !!!!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS Daniel and Javier!!
And congratulations to all of you (1ºA, 1ºB, 1ºCDadv and 1ºCDint, 3º and 4º) because I know you all have worked hard making sketches and you got wonderful results. I'm proud of you.

CATEGORÍA C, bachillerato:
Del IES María Zambrano. Lo siento, no sé el nombre de la autora, pero FELICIDADES también.

Entrega de premios:
Centro Cultural Saramago, 10 de febreroAllí iremos ese día por la mañana después del primer recreo con los cursos 1ºA y 3ºC para acompañar y felicitar a los premiados. Para ver la exposición, tendremos que esperar un poco porque... ¡LA VAMOS A MONTAR EN NUESTRO IES!.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

New Google Art Project

Google has developed a new project – The Google Art Project.
View the World's Art without leaving Home
"Explore museums from around the world, discover and view hundreds of artworks at incredible zoom levels, and even create and share your own collection of masterpieces".

Here’s a video showing you how to use the site:

Take a look at some of the art museums involved in this project and how it has been made using Google's Street View technology:

For and against Google Art Project, by Doovive (Agustín Marangoni).

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Your tasks: Giocondas (figurative and abstract)

Giocondas - 1ºA on PhotoPeach

Giocondas - 1ºB on PhotoPeach

GIOCONDAS - 1ºCDadvanced on PhotoPeach

Giocondas - 1ºCDintermediate on PhotoPeach

Giocondas en collage - 4ºESO on PhotoPeach

The artists explain their abstract artworks
Your abstract Gioconda
Some of you have made a really great job:

"In my abstract painting I have used spirals, circles, curved lines, straight lines... I have used the same colors that in my figurative Gioconda. In my abstract painting you can imagine a Gioconda but it is not real. To interpretate the hands and the hair I have used spirals; and for the body I have used straight and curved lines". Laura M. -1ºB

"I have drawn this abstract painting because I think that the Gioconda is bassed on the way she puts her hands. That's why I have put straight lines to the circle and triangles ponting the circle. The two big squares are the arms and the stars are the eyes". Ohiane V. - 1ºA

"I made this drawing because Lisconda loves mathematics.
The numbers:
numbers 9 are the hair
number 6 is the head
numbers 1 are the hands
and numbers 8 and 4 are the dress". Lara - 1ºCDa

Your tasks: Artistic styles

The artists explain their abstract artworks
Some of you have made a really great job:

"I have painted curved lines because when I'm on a rollercoaster sometimes I feel dizzy. I have painted a heart because I love the amusement park although I get dizzy. I have drawn stairs because when the rollercoaster is finishing I feel like I'm going down the stairs". Ohiane V. - 1ºA

"I draw this because I see many things while I'm on the rollercoaster". Segio G. - 1ºA

Some sketches from the artists for the realistic shoe.
By Raul Antonio, 1ºCDint