Myrtle and Eunice became a human spirograph like Tony Orrico. Check out how and where they did it here!
Un blog para las clases de Educación Plástica, Visual y Audiovisual, bilingües de 2º de E.S.O.... y más. Vuestro blog, vuestros trabajos, vosotros.
- BLOG: Pág. Principal
- Students freetime Gallery
- Un viaje para tod@s
- London Corner
- Endicott Corner (Beverly, Boston, MA)
- Irish ART
- Californian ART
- Wisconsin ART
- Australian ART
- Virgin Islands ART
- North Carolina Art
- Native American ART
- Texas ART
- Hindu ART
- Art Movements
- Art - Pillow face
- Art - Artistopoly
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- Art and Maths
- Encuesta final curso
- Evaluación y Criterios de Calificación EPVA
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Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Colour experiments
How many colors are in one crayola marker?! - Kindergarten, Kindergarten
Is Black Really Black? Sharpie Experiment - Steve Spangler
Experiment with sharpie markers, create a tie dye tee! - Spangler
Chalk Chromatography - Is green just green? Conduct an experiment with markers and chalk to find out what colors make up a single colored marker. After your experiment, draw with your colored chalk!
Is Black Really Black? Sharpie Experiment - Steve Spangler
Experiment with sharpie markers, create a tie dye tee! - Spangler
Chalk Chromatography - Is green just green? Conduct an experiment with markers and chalk to find out what colors make up a single colored marker. After your experiment, draw with your colored chalk!
Sunday, 6 July 2014
Educación Plástica y Visual - Visual Arts September exam
Examen: 1 de septiembre a las 18:00 h en el aula de dibujo
Contents TO REVIEW:
- Simple elements. Study the vocabulary!.
- Angles. Types of angles. Copying an angle. Adding up angles. Subtracting angles. Bisecting an angle.
- Line segment operations. Copying a line segment. Adding up line segments. Subtracting line segments.
Remember that in order to study technical drawing you have to DRAW and try the different constructions several times at home. Study the vocabulary too. You can use this blog and your own notebook or a friend's one.
Don't forget to bring your drawing equipment (ruler, set squares, pencils -2H and HB- and compass).
- Dots.
- Line.
- Shape. Organic and geometric shapes. 2D and 3D shapes.
- Texture. Organic and geometric textures. Visual and tactile textures.
- Colour. Primary and secondary colours. Warm and cool colours.
- Talking about artworks. Study the vocabulary!
- Pop Art. Warhol and Lichtenstein.
- Pointillism. Seurat. In Dots article.
- Dripping art. Pollock. In Dots article.
- Cinetic art. Calder. In Dots article.
- Geometric art. Kandinsky. In Dots article.
- Huge dots. Sonia Delaunay. In Dots article.
- Cubism. Picasso.
- Visual communication. Graphic, pictorial and plastic languages.
- Image and perception. Elements in communication. Finalities of images.
Don't forget to bring your artistic equipment (pencil, coloured pencils, coloured feltpens, markers...).
Just in case you need a new copy of the tasks you should bring in September:
Should you have any question, send me an email or a comment in this article.
You will have time for everything. Study! but... enjoy and have a good summer!
Friday, 4 July 2014
Examen Pendientes 1º ESO > Examen de septiembre para alumnos SÓLO de 2º ESO con EPV pendiente
Para el examen de pendientes de 1º de ESO en septiembre:
SÓLO PARA ALUMNOS DE 2º ESO con la materia de Educación Plástica pendiente del curso anterior. Examen: el 1 de septiembre a las 18:00 h en el aula de dibujo.
No olvidéis entregar en el momento del examen los trabajos que os encargué si queréis que los tenga en cuenta en la nota final.
Tenéis que traer el material de dibujo
tanto artístico como de dibujo técnico
(bolígrafo, lápiz, regla, goma
de borrar, lápices de colores, rotuladores de colores, escuadra, cartabón,
compás, barra de pegamento, tijeras, y todo aquello que queráis utilizar)
Os dejo aquí, por si lo necesitáis de nuevo, las instrucciones y trabajos que os entregué en el mes de enero. Podéis descargarlo pulsando sobre el icono de slideshare en la esquina inferior izquierda y pulsando "Save" en la línea de opciones de la parte superior del documento.
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