Thursday, 26 April 2018

Brainstorming for Pajaritos's short film

1st C - Very important: Please, upload your videos to this padlet as soon as possible
1st B padlet for your fragments:
1st A padlet to upload your fragments:

Flip-flops for Inés

Link to linoit wall

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Lotta: Sketching and Visual Thinking skills

This is going to be a practical and hands-on session again.

Eva-Lotta will show you some basic techniques to get sketching your ideas. You'll get some hands-on practice on how to sketch simple objects, people and faces. Eva-Lotta will also share her thoughts on practicing and playing to develop your ideas and skills. If you think you are rubbish at sketching and want to get a fun kick-start to getting into using pen and paper, you will enjoy.

Get your pens ready!

(Vídeo 5:30 - 44:30 min.)