Monday, 17 December 2018

Rubric for ¡Qué animalada! Endangered animals project


Sunday, 16 December 2018

Chritsmas snowflakes for the gymkhana Christmas tree

Rotational symmetry
6-pointed Paper Snowflakes instructions. This task will be a good example of polygons and rotational symmetry.

English video:

Spanish version:

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Discovering Kirigami. Geometry for Christmas

Axial symmetry
We are going to construct a pop-up Christmas Tree using another Japanese technique named Kirigami. It will be a good example of POSITIVE SPACE and NEGATIVE SPACE.

Here you will find the template to be downloaded:

Instructions. By Robert Sabuda.

We are going to use color paper and we will use them as hanging trees.


Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Halloween in 2nd ESO


USE MQRD APP and create your video. Download it and upload in on Flipgrid.

Sunday, 21 October 2018

3D Design with triangulation

Imagen "Polygon face", de Geierundide-commonswiki. Licencia CC BY-NC 3.0 

Sculptris is a free sculpting and 3D design software you have to download from Pixologic and install in your PC.

Here I will introduce you into Sculptris a free 3d modeling program. In this video we will go over the basics of the program to help you understand the basics and the power of this program. From there we will go on to sculpting small projects and models and then delve into larger and more advanced models. I hope to guide you as you learn the 3D.

Sculptris is the smallest brother of Zbrush. In video 1 you will see both used to create a dragon. And you can create very different things (video 2):

  1. You will have to create a sea creature (endangered animal) using Sculptris.

2D-3D Triangulation

Image from Pixabay License CC0 Public Domain
Image from Pixabay License CC0 Public Domain

More examples with famous people. Handmade! by Josh Bryan, an English artist 20 years old!
More examples with animals


Saturday, 22 September 2018


First of all... a game for all the group:

Alphabets - Typography on PhotoPeach

TYPOGRAPHY is what language looks like. 
It is the art and technics of type design.

Type the sky

Type the sky is an original project by Lisa Rienermann, a student of Duisburg-Essen University. 

Each letter is an empty space in the sky of Barcelona surrounded by buildings. She says: "Todo comenzó por la Q. Estaba en una pequeña calle de Barcelona y al mirar hacia arriba vi las casas, el cielo y las nubes. El área oscurecida por las casas dejaba entrever una forma en el cielo que parecía una Q. Esa fue la idea de la técnica. Pensé que si una Q me había encontrado a mi, no sería difícil que yo encontrara al resto del alfabeto. De modo que pasé semanas mirando al cielo, buscando el resto de las letras entre las casas."


Eating from A to Z! By Luiza P. (Flicker user). 

She says: “This project was conceived as a way to document my eating habits and routine, through the creation of an alphabet.“

A pop-up book.

Human alphabets
Human Alphabets 3

Human alphabets 2
Human alphabets 1

Saturday, 15 September 2018

Parallel, perpendicular and intersecting lines

How do we use the set square?
You have to handle your set square softly and with accuracy without too much pressure on them, only the needed one to avoid movement.

  1. The 45 set square hypotenuse (longest side) is placed attached to the line to which we want to draw the parallels (GUIDE).
  2. The 60-30 set square hypotenuse is attached to the 45 set square leg.
  3. Fix the 60-30 set square and move the 45 set square upwards or downwards drawing the desired parallel lines along its hypotenuse.

If we want to draw perpendicular lines to one direction, we will have to follow the first two steps as stated for parallel lines and then the following ones:
  1. Having fixed the 60-30 set square, the 45 set square is turned until the other leg is attached to the hypotenuse of the 60-30 set square.
  2. Draw the perpendicular line along the hypotenuse of the 45 set square.

Let's review how to draw parallel and perpendicular lines using the triangular set squares.

Eva A., 1st A recorded, some years ago, a video at home for us. It is GREAT!!!!
Thank you very much Eva.

Although it is not exactly the way I want you to place the set square 45 degrees ruler, it is a good idea to see this video because the author is Indian and you will hear a different accent.

For left-handed students:

Pencil scale

You will need:
  1. 2H or 3H pencil - for technical drawing
  2. HB pencil - for writing and sketches


This is a task I like doing when we begin a new course. It let me get to know you, learn your names and, by the way, we work with a "popurrí" of items which will be a review of EPVA: elements of art and technical drawing (parallelism, perpendicularity, Thales), image, typography, visual elements (dots, lines, shapes, colours, textures), design process, sketching ...


You will see your artworks published in this blog very soon....

Reviewing the elements of Art

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

On your mark, get set, GO! Visual Arts 2018/2019

2nd B, C and D: this year I am going to be your Visual Arts teacher.

Hope we have a great time learning content and language and... MAKING ART together!

The countdown is going to start:
And... by the way, we will use and learn new technologies (but... without forgetting the traditional techniques).

And everything LOVING ART!

Thursday, 19 July 2018

¡Premiados en eMove Festival!

Chicos del Newton, ¡qué alegría! ¡qué emoción! ¡nos han premiado en el eMove Festival!
¡Mira aquí los vídeos premiados!

III Edición del Festival Escolar y Universitario de las Artes Audiovisuales 
Centro de formación: IES ISAAC NEWTON 
Sección: Cortometraje de animación  
Categoría: 1er ciclo de ESO 
Título: “Lorca con e-Motion”

Enhorabuena a todos los participantes y, cómo no, a Beatriz Gallego, que fue su proyecto de Máster de Profesorado en el Newton.

Os espero a todos con vuestras familias en octubre.

¿Os acordáis del estupendo resultado?

Y aquí los premios y premiados:

Domingo (con pantalón rojo), en representación de sus compañeros ¡los 90 artistas!

Aunque ese día, todos nos sentimos como artistas:

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

First short film by 1st B ESO

Pues ya está aquí el primer corto terminado. Es el de 1º B de ESO. Un montaje rápido... ya que veo que Inés no se lanza:

El de 1º A... uff... faltan demasiadas escenas... Los grupos BATMAN, AVATAR y SCARY MOVIE no acabaron su trabajo. ¡Con lo bien que está el resto! What a pity!.

Y ya solo nos queda esperar el SUPERMONTAJE que prometió Inés, nuestra prácticum, del vídeo de 1º C. De momento, aquí va un aperitivo que yo misma he montado para ir abriendo boca:

PAJARITOS FILM. An amazing flip-flop. Chaper 1 - Aorugheiurghru

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Flipbook and animation





You can use Windows Movie Maker, iMovie, CuteCut, Google Photos...

Monday, 4 June 2018


Popurrí of previous tasks for the short film
Popurrí by on Scribd

Sunday, 27 May 2018

Technical Drawing basic constructions

Don't just watch the videos. Do it yourself using your set squares and compass!

Dividing a line segment into equal parts:

Line segments operation (adding up and subtracting):

Perpendicular bisector:

Move or copy an angle:

Angles operation (adding up):

Angles operation (subtracting):

Angle bisector:

Exploding your minds

self-portrait is a representation of an artist, drawn, painted, photographed, or sculpted by the artist.
Self-portraits have been made by artists since the earliest times.
In the later 20th century and more so in the 21st century, new techniques and video are playing a part in furthering self-portraiture (artworks, crafts, videoblogs, digital self-portraits, selfie, etc.).

There are many different ways to make a self-portrait. It has not to be a traditional drawing or painting of your face.

"For a university project I was asked to produce 50 different paintings in completely different styles. I thought it would be a challenge to 50 self portraits. I had the whole summer to complete the project, but only left myself a week to do it.

I started off my researching my favourite artists hoping to generate a list of 50 styles. I decided on 25 to begin with and began painting then. I did a painting every 1-2 hours depending on the complexity of the style I was replicating. Styles varied from traditional painters such as Van Gogh, Picasso and Rembrandt to modern artists such as Chuck Close, Jenny Saville and many others. I produced a few cartoon versions of myself such as a Simpsons character, Beano character and in a Manga style."

Kyle Lambert, Visual Artist, Painter and Illustrator

Watch this video self-portrait exibited at Museum of Modern Art in New York City,

Making a self-portrait is a great way to express and explore your identity.

1st of ESO: Exploring
The idea is to do the silhouettes of your head and fill in your head with a magazine collage of what is going in your brain, what you prefer, what you are fond of...
Idea from:
Readers Digest
Ideas to get you started: clothes, music, words, sports, food, people you admire, singers, actors...
Trace your head on two white papers (using the window). Then filled in the head shape with magazine images in one of the papers. The second one will be the template of the final frame of your self-portrait, so, you will have to cut out the inside part. Let's do it.

2nd of ESO: Exploding

Create a collage illustration using your self-portrait picture (A3).
The folio society. Man 10
Nenad Dodic
 If you are too shy to show your face, you can modify your photo:
Meet Jack, handmade collage by StudioKoten, 2015

More examples.


Thursday, 26 April 2018

Brainstorming for Pajaritos's short film

1st C - Very important: Please, upload your videos to this padlet as soon as possible
1st B padlet for your fragments:
1st A padlet to upload your fragments:

Flip-flops for Inés

Link to linoit wall