Sunday, 26 February 2017

#LorcaConEmotion new blog

We will follow a new blog designed by Beatriz Gallego (our teacher in training) for #LorcaConEmotion project:

EducacionPlasticaVisualYAudiovisual (click to open it in a new tab)

Saturday, 25 February 2017

Your visual maps about Pointillism

Marie C 2nd A
Carlota A 2nd B
Inés L 2nd B
Luna S 2nd C
Mar A 2nd C
Marta R 2nd C

Sunday, 19 February 2017


"Sketching is not about being a good artist, but about being a good thinker."
Jason Santa Maria (Graphic Designer from Brooklyn)
"Sketching is about expressing ideas rather than creating specific portraits."
Eva Lotta Lamm (Web Designer)

Proyecto #LorcaConEmotion

From now on we will begin with IMAGE.

Beatriz, our Practicum teacher (Arts teacher-in training program) has prepared this summary of the project.

Why #LorcaConEmotion? News

Link the infographic

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Dots, lines and shapes in New York

"En la noche de San Lorenzo, Nueva York parecía una fiesta. Mientras que en el reloj marcaban las 12, las bandas de música salían por la calle para celebrarlo".



New York - 2nd C on PhotoPeach