Tuesday, 26 December 2017

DOTS - Constellations


Dots creating shapes

A constellation is a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure. Modern astronomers divide the sky into eighty-eight constellations with defined boundaries.
Summer triangle. Public Domain from wikimedia
Dipper constellations. Public Domain from wikimedia

Draw (undraw) one constellations in sgraffito technique (esgrafiado) using wax crayons.

Find your templates here.

In TPR you will create ¡a constellation lightbox with your artwork!.

Or... do you prefer using Splatter Art?

Saturday, 2 December 2017

DOTS - Aboriginal Art

Dots create lines and shapes

Find information here about Aboriginal Art in Australia.

Create your "Dreamtime story" in Aboriginal Australian Art.
  1. Sketches
  2. Legend (List of symbols and their meanings)
  3. Final Sketch
  4. Test colors and dotting
  5. Find ideas for elements and background here
  6. Final artwork (with final legend)
  7. Digital Dreamtime story. Choose your own app:


Rubric for self assessment, peer assessment and teacher assessment

DOTS - Huge dots and circumferences

Sonia Delaunay (November 14, 1885 – December 5, 1979) was a Jewish-French artist who, with her husband Robert Delaunay and others, cofounded the Orphism art movement, noted for its use of strong colours and geometric shapes. Her work extends to painting, textile design and stage set design.

Students will be able to interpret and create visual symbols to communicate ideas.
Based on Delaunay Art:

We will use:

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Halloween and selfie animations

We are going to record video selfie animations, change the way you look and send it to this padlet.
Use MSQRD app (free for both Android and iOS)

Link to padlet to be opened in a new tab.
QR code:

Hecho con Padlet

Do you want to see more Saramagomonsters?

Sunday, 24 September 2017

Parallel, Perpendicular and Intersecting lines

How do we use the set square?
You have to handle your set square softly and with accuracy without exercising too much pressure on them, only the needed one to avoid movement.

  1. The 45 set square hypotenuse (longest side) is placed attached to the line to which we want to draw the parallels (GUIDE).
  2. The 60-30 set square hypotenuse is attached to the 45 set square leg.
  3. Fix the 60-30 set square and move the 45 set square upwards or downwards drawing the desired parallel lines along its hypotenuse.

If we want to draw perpendicular lines to one direction, we will have to follow the first two steps as stated for parallel lines and then the following ones:
  1. Having fixed the 60-30 set square, the 45 set square is turned until the other leg is attached to the hypotenuse of the 60-30 set square.
  2. Draw the perpendicular line along the hypotenuse of the 45 set square.

Let's review how to draw parallel and perpendicular lines using the triangular set squares.

For left-handed (zurdos):

Link to the task                Example of task

Friday, 22 September 2017

The first task: Typography - your names

This is a task I like doing when we begin a new course. It let me get to know you, learn your names and, by the way, we work with a "popurrí" of items which will be a review of EPVA: elements of art and technical drawing (parallelism, perpendicularity, Thales), image, typography, visual elements (dots, lines, shapes, colours, textures), design process, sketching ...

You will see your artworks published in this blog very soon....

Reviewing the elements of Art

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Pencil scale

You will need:
  1. 2H pencil - for technical drawing
  2. HB pencil - for writing and sketches

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Who are you?

Publishing comments on this blog sometimes will be a task in order to answer a question, give your opinion, do a challenge, ...
Therefore, I want you to begin with the first one:

I would like you to introduce yourselves.

1. Just click on "X comments", under this post.
2. Go to the bottom of the article:
3. Write your name followed by the initial of your surname and your course.
You can tell me about your hobbies or whatever you want to share with us.
Example: Nadia C. 1st A. Hello teacher. My hobbies are basketball and dancing.
4. Publish!
I moderate your comments, so, you will not see yours immediately.

Art classroom rules

On your mark, get set, GO! Visual Arts 2017/2018

1st A, B and C, 2nd A, B, C and D: this year I am going to be your Visual Arts teacher.

Hope we have a great time learning content and language and... MAKING ART together!

The countdown is going to start:
And... by the way, we will use and learn new technologies (but... without forgetting the traditional techniques).

And everything LOVING ART!

Sunday, 2 July 2017

Examen de septiembre 2017

Para el examen de septiembre de Educación Plástica, Visual y Audiovisual de 2º ESO (sección y programa), tienes que repasar los artículos publicados en el blog desde septiembre 2016 y los apuntes de tu cuaderno. Una buena idea sería hacerte con el cuaderno de algún compañero en el que confíes.

Presta especial atención a:

A) Bloque de Dibujo Técnico

B) Bloque de Imagen

C) Bloque de elementos visuales y expresión plástica

Acude al examen con:
  • Lápiz duro (2H) y lápiz de dureza media (HB).
  • Regla, escuadra y cartabón.
  • Compás.
  • Lápices de colores y rotuladores.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Jornadas iEDU 17

Our project is going to be shown in iEDU17 today

Verde que te quiero verde.
Verde viento. Verdes ramas.
El barco sobre la mar
y el caballo en la montaña.

Con la sombra en la cintura,
ella sueña en su baranda
verde carne, pelo verde,
con ojos de fría plata.
La higuera frota su viento
con la lija de sus ramas,
y el monte, gato garduño,
eriza sus pitas agrias.

Friday, 2 June 2017

Jornadas Newtonianas

Laberinto - Maze
Escribir en internet - Publishing

Bosque - Forest
Publicar imágenes - Images

Clase - Classroom

Exposición rupestre - Cave painting exhibition
Redes Sociales - Social Networks

Instituto - Highschool
Mensajería instantánea - Whatsapp

Respeto autoría - Respect to author