Friday, 31 October 2014

Ghosts at the entrance of the highschool for the photocall



Choni, Rosa and Fuen. Language assistants: Shannon, Sabannah, Rebekah and Kathy
Fuen, Cristina and Rosa
Some students

Making of ... Huge ghosts on PhotoPeach

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Ghosts for the cafeteria

Ghost pins for everyone

Today, ghosts invaded our highschool. More than 600 little ghosts came to stay. Students of 1st of ESO distributed little ghosts pins to everybody (teachers, students, custodians...). Everyone wore one in his/her lapel.


Making of .... ghost pins on PhotoPeach

1st ESO students explain the process:

3rd ESO students explain the process:

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

They are coming .....

How to create an animated GIF image? Very easy. Just use Picasion.

Something weird happened in our IT classroom today...

Students were editing images in Picmonkey! I felt chills!

Dancing and editing images in Halloween:
coming soon (video in edition)

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Creating symmetries

You have been given one Halloween character to complete the missing part. You can not trace or fold it, nor measure more than 15 or 20 points (by using the drafting compass or a ruler) in order to get the mirror image by symmetry.

A symmetry task:

Happy Halloween 2014! Editing an image

This is an online software you will never forget! Upload your picture and...

If you don't want to work with monsters... go to...
Comic Heroes, Winterland or School U !

Enjoy while working:

Monday, 27 October 2014

Carving pumpkins

Two great artists carving pumpkins:
They create pumpkins (Jack'o lanterns) like these ones:

Eduardo: this is not what I was looking for, but... it's similar: click here:
The art of Pumpkin Carving.

Halloween with IT

Wanda Witch's House
If you want to learn about this celebration and practice its vocabulary, click on the pictures: (remember: right button of the mouse AND OPEN IN A NEW WINDOW, in order not to go out of this blog)

You should choose English, of course

About Halloween
Working in class
Dressing your Halloween
Bloompetals. Create your own pumpkin cutting it with a knife. -->Read carving instructions.

Squigly's Games. Puzzles, jigsaws...

JibJab videos. As always... terrific, in Halloween, too. Did you know it? You can do it as well but you will need to register (although it's free).

 Some Quizzes to practice your vocabulary:

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Parallel and Perpendicular lines

How do we use the set squares?
You have to handle your set squares smoothly and accurately without exercising too much pressure on them, just to prevent movement.

  1. The 45 set square hypotenuse (longest side) is placed attached to the line to which we want to draw the parallels (GUIDE).
  2. The 60-30 set square hypotenuse is attached to the 45 set square leg.
  3. Fix the 60-30 set square and move the 45 set square upwards or downwards drawing the desired parallel lines along its hypotenuse.

If we want to draw perpendicular lines to one direction, we will have to follow the first two steps as stated for parallel lines and then the following ones:
  1. Having fixed the 60-30 set square, the 45 set square is turned until the other leg is attached to the hypotenuse of the 60-30 set square.
  2. Draw the perpendicular line along the hypotenuse of the 45 set square.

Let's review how to draw parallel and perpendicular lines using the triangular set squares.

This could be a good explanation in English, although I prefer to place the set squares at the opposite:

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Symmetry with IT

Line symmetry - Reflection symmetry - Mirror symmetry
Multiple line symmetry
  • Snowflake Creation. Multiple line symmetry.
  • SymmeToy. You can download it (it's free). It is a program to create paint patterns, symmetry roses, tessellated art and symmetrically decorated 3D polyhedron models.
Rotational symmetry




Sunday, 19 October 2014

PLASTINGLISH finalista en SIMO Educación 2014

Nuestro blog PLASTINGLISH ha sido finalista en SIMO Educación 2014
en la categoría Mejor Blog de Aula.

Los seleccionados éramos 3:
·         ¡Y LLEGÓ LA MÚSICA! – Colegio San Ramón y San Antonio de Madrid
·         PLASTINGLISH – IES Isaac Newton de Madrid
·         Our English Class – CEIP Pasico Campillo de Lorca

Y el ganador fue "Our English Class". Mi enhorabuena a las compañeras de Lorca.

Enlace al artículo en SIMO con todos los ganadores y finalistas.

Ya nos vamos acostumbrando a esto de ser finalistas... ¿a la tercera irá la vencida?
Y ayer sábado, recogimos el diploma acreditativo con toda la ilusión del mundo, como no podía ser de otra manera. Gracias, Cristina por acompañarme ahí arriba y, sobre todo, chic@s, gracias a vosotr@s, que sois los protagonistas del blog.

¡Pero no fue el único reconocimiento! Las I Jornadas Newtonianas que se llevaron a cabo en el centro el curso pasado, un trabajo de un "gran equipazo newtoniano", también fueron finalistas en la categoría de Uso de Dispositivos Móviles en Educación. ¡Estamos de enhorabuena!.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Your visit at Sorolla's exhibition

1st C at Sorolla exhibition - 2014 by Slidely Slideshow

1st B at Sorolla exhibition - 2014 by Slidely Slideshow

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Digital typografies

First of all... a game for all the group:

Alphabets - Typography on PhotoPeach

And now, some interactive activities:
Activities for the computer room
  • Look, you will be able to build your name using letters from Flickr. Look at my name:
 letter O letra S letra A

If you want to build yours, this is the link: You only have to write the name in the white box, click on "spell" and you will get your letters. If you want to change the type, just click on each letter and a new one will apperar.  Click right mouse button on each letter to save it as a jpg image. You can use them in your school homeworks, posters, in headlines, titles, headings... or just to write a letter or a greeting card to a friend. This is more original than using Word or PowerPoint WordArt. Isn´t it?.
  • Periodic table writer. Try! 
  • Try another one. Using the software CoolText, we transform a text into amazing icons. I have used it and this is what I got:
  • The following one is in French, but I'm sure you will do with it: Coloriage Prenom.

Letters can be used to create whatever you like. Have a look:
Do you want to try?
And more: