Thursday, 23 December 2010


Click on this link and you will get your congratulation. (Be patient, it takes a bit to upload).

And now:
UN RETO. A ver si hay alguno capaz de hacer su propio vídeo con JIBJAB y enviármelo en un comentario en el blog. Un SUPERPOSITIVO para quién lo haga. Para acceder, pulsa en: JIBJAB.

Divertíos pero... no olvidéis, que el lunes 10 de enero tenéis que traer los carteles contra la utilización de los niños como soldados. Ajustaos al tamaño de las bases y técnica libre.

See you NEXT YEAR, chic@s.

And the Christmas Cards winners are...





1st PRIZE:

IVÁN C. - 1ºA

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Your tasks: Christmas exhibition

Is your Christmas here? Mmmm... you are not the winner. Tomorrow we´ll see. Good luck!

Friday, 17 December 2010

Your tasks: Self-portraits

GIRLS - 1º E.S.O
Girls Self-portraits on PhotoPeach

BOYS - 1º E.S.O.
Of course, the music is just a joke.
Boys Self-portraits on PhotoPeach

Typographic Portraits 1ºE.S.O. on PhotoPeach

Typographic Portraits on PhotoPeach

Portraits -Symmetry - Techniques on PhotoPeach

Let's make our self-portraits

There are many different ways to make a self-portrait. It has not to be a traditional drawing or painting of your face. 

Idea from:
Making a self-portrait is a great way to express and explore your identity.
The idea is to do the silhouettes of your head and fill in your head with a magazine collage of what is going in your brain, what you prefer, what you are fond of...
Ideas to get you started: clothes, music, words, sports, food, people you admire, singers, actors...
Trace your head on two white papers (using the window). Then filled in the head shape with magazine images in one of the papers. The second one will be the template of the final frame of your self-portrait, so, you will have to cut out the inside part. Let's do it.

Bob Dylan, by CaliburlerSoul
Another way of making a portrait is using typography instead of traditional elements. Do you remember 45 amazing Type Faces- Typographic Portraits?. Really amazing! Le's make something similar with your pictures just writing your name (or your sign).

Much more ideas in

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Your tasks: Christmas cards

1ºA Christmas Cards on PhotoPeach (with a QUIZ)

1ºB - Christmas cards on PhotoPeach (with a QUIZ)

1ºCD advanced - Christmas Cards on PhotoPeach


Friday, 3 December 2010

Christmas Cards

You have to design a Christmas Card to be used in our Highschool.
And... you can win a prize (money, money, money...).
Paper: A4 folded, so, the picture will be an A5 format.
You can choose an horizontal or vertical orientation. Free technique.

You have to give it to me next Thursday 9th or Friday 10th. At least 1 unit.

Examples of hand-made Christmas Cards.
More ideas.

If you want to use your computer, do it. Some links to use:

Examples of posters

Here you are some professional examples of posters:
And some posters by my former students of 1ºESO:


A poster is an example of the hortatory function of an image. It can be an advertisment (ad of a film, play...) or propaganda (ideas).

The poster

The slogan

Typographic posters: thousand of ideas to inspire.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Information about soldier kids

Un niño o niña soldado es cualquier persona menor de 18 años que forma parte de cualquier tipo de fuerza o movimiento armado, ya sea regular o irregular, en cualquier condición, incluyendo pero no limitado a, cocineros, porteros, mensajeros y cualquier otra persona que acompañe a dichos grupos y no sea solamente un familiar
Reclutar niños y niñas soldado es una práctica habitual en el seno de muchos conflictos en todo el mundo. En algunos, años y años de guerra han agotado a los adultos en edad de combatir: sólo quedan niños. Los niños sirven para todo en tiempo de guerra: combaten, cocinan, acarrean agua, actúan como señuelos, mensajeros o espías.
Estos niños y niñas han sido secuestrados en la calle, sacados de las aulas o campos de refugiados. Otros muchos son forzados a salir de sus casas a punta de pistola, mientras juegan cerca de casa o caminan por la carretera. Algunos niños se han unido de forma “voluntaria” ante la desintegración de las familias a causa del conflicto, las condiciones de pobreza y el desplome de servicios sociales básicos.
Flash animation about soldier kids, Amnistía Internacional.

Invisible children:

Soldados de papel - David Bisbal:


Knocking on heaven's door - Avril Lavigne

BEN OKAFOR "No Child Soldiers" Bemamou. This video brings together BEN OKAFOR with other African artists, Alpha Blondy, Kidjo Angelica, Mama Keita, Lokua Kanza, Bibie, Monique Séka, Charlotte M"Bango, Aïcha Koné & Madéka. Because the talent and the popularity of these artists are large, they represent a formidable vector of information and action to help to fight against the exploitation of the children soldiers.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Soldier Kids Poster Contest

We are going to participate in a contest. So, our next task will be:

(“Día mundial contra la utilización de los niños soldado”)

Se convoca el I concurso de carteles en el ámbito de los derechos humanos y la promoción de los mismos, con el tema de los niños-soldado y para favorecer y ayudar a su completa erradicación, concienciando a los jóvenes escolares de su existencia.

Participantes: Jóvenes escolarizados en Leganés.

Se establecen tres categorías:

A- Primer ciclo de ESO.
B- Segundo ciclo de ESO.
C- Bachillerato y ciclos formativos.

Entrega de Trabajos:
Máximo de dos trabajos por participante. Los trabajos se entregarán con los datos completos: nombre-apellidos, edad, teléfono, curso y centro. Estos datos aparecerán por detrás del cartel.

Plazo de entrega: Hasta 13 de Enero

Lugar de entrega: se entregarán en el IES al que pertenezca cada alumno.

Exposición: Centro Cultural Saramago. Entrega de premios el 10 de Febrero

Temática: Los trabajos deberán ser originales y se basarán en el tema “LOS NIÑOS SOLDADO”

Técnica: LIBRE

Página: 42 x 59,4 cm

Devolución de los trabajos no premiados: Podrán ser recogidos en el IES donde se haya concursado.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Your tasks: Manipulating by hand an image



Visual perception activities

Eye Exercises for Better Visual Health:

These activities are designed for improving your Visual Information Process Skills: Perception, Tracking, Focusing, and Eye Teaming.

Image and Perception

Do not forget!

  • Task 1: Find in the magazines in the classroom 4 images of the different finalities we have studied. Cut them out and glue in a piece of paper.
  • Task 2: Manipulating an image. Find a large photograph you like: a favourite musician, car, landscape... Cut your picture into horizontal or vertical strips. Make the strips as wide as you like. Create a feeling of distortion by guing the strips onto the space provided, using a certain order you have previously decided. For example, light to dark, different heights, every third strip upside down, etc. Although it is a simple activity, it can have interesting results if you first think about what effect you wish to create.

Friday, 19 November 2010

Sand art

Let's see if you like this video. You can practice next summer on the beach, but, if you cannot wait for that, use a table and flour, although I'm afraid it will not be the same.
If you want more information about this Israeli artist, Ilana Yahav, and have a look to her work, you can visit her website here.

Another one that Andrew has told me:

An activity for the computer classroom

Be a sand artist
I know that it is not the same, but there is an online software to create your own sand picture. Its name is  thisissand. Use the mouse to start and the sand begins to fall. To change the colour use the letter "C" in your keyboard, to erase what you have done use the letter "E", and with the arrows you will use the different colours you have selected before. Try, its funny!

And... this happened:
SAND ART everywhere in our classroom.

Language and visual communication

We are surrounded by images ...

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Your tasks: Imaginary people and animals



Create your own video slideshow at

Saturday, 30 October 2010


Activities for the computer classroom
Webquest: Symmetry is all around you: 35 tips about symmetry.

Line symmetry
Multiple line symmetry
  • Snowflake Creation. Multiple line symmetry.
  • SymmeToy. You can download it (it's free). It is a program for creating paint patterns, symmetry roses, tessellated art and symmetrically decorated 3D polyhedron models.
Rotational symmetry


Your tasks: Making off and results of Halloween mobiles

Making Off

Symmetry task:
Halloween Mobiles:

High School
Create your own video slideshow at

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Discovering the SYMMETRY

You have been given one Halloween character to complete the missing part. You can not trace it, nor measure more than 4 or 5 points in order to get the mirror image.

Halloween's Vocabulary

Pumpkins with lots of art

Thanks to Arte en equipo's blog I have met these two great artists:
They create pumpkins (Jack'o lanterns) like these ones:

Friday, 22 October 2010

Halloween activities

Jack O' Lantern Lab. Create your pumpkin and its face.

Bloompetals. Create your own pumpkin cutting it with a knife. -->Read carving instructions.

Squigly's Games. Puzzles, jigsaws...

JibJab videos. As always... terrific, in Halloween, too. Did you know it? You can do it as well but you will need to register (it's free).

Mmmm... Disgustingly delicious!

Halloween Vocabulary on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, 20 October 2010


We are about to celebrate Halloween!
If you want to learn about this celebration and practice its vocabulary, click on the pictures: (remember: right button of the mouse in order not to go out of this blog)

You should choose English, of course

About Halloween
Working in class
Dressing your Halloween

More things:
  • "Proyecto Miedo" Pictures. Good ideas to decorate the classroom, your house or... even yourselves.

I'm sure you will like this video, but... we will talk about it in class.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Freetime gallery

What do you do in your free time?
Have a look at what Magnus Muhr (a Swedish photographer) does.

Anyway, if you paint, draw, edit photographs or whatever creative activity you make, let me have it and I will publish it in our new page FREETIME GALLERY. You will find it at the top of this blog.
Now it is possible to find your classmates´ first drawings. Enjoy!