Friday, 19 December 2014

Christmas Cards. The students vote.

Go to the corridor next to the cafeteria with your mobile phone and VOTE!!!

If you already know your favorite Christmas Card, you can vote using this form:

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Christmas Cards. The bilingual staff vote.

Congratulations! Click on them to get a bigger size.

1st prize: Congratulations Teresa!!!!!
Illustration by Teresa S. 3rd A ESO
The text which has been illustrated is:
"Christmas day has come and the best present is the family. Happy Christmas",  by Karima S., 3rd B ESO.
This Christmas card will be used for everyone in our highschool.

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Wednesday, 17 December 2014

IT activities for Christmas


  • Doble click on the wall and write your New Year's Resolutions.
  • Make a flake. Use a digital pair of scissors and create your own snowflake. It's exactly what are going to do to decorate the assembly hall!.
  • Snowman. Create your own Christmas landscape.

  • Christmas tree Light Up!. Light up the Christmas tree by connecting all the wires and light bulbs to the electrical source.
  • Pixlr. You can use this easy drawing software online to create your own Christmas landscape (or whatever you want).
  • Sumopaint. You can use this drawing software online to create your own Christmas Scene.
  • Printable Party Decor. To print your cards and labels.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Discovering KIRIGAMI. Geometry in CHRISTMAS

Axial symmetry
We are going to construct a pop-up Christmas Tree using another Japanese technique named Kirigami. It will be a good example of POSITIVE SPACE and NEGATIVE SPACE.

Here you will find the template to be downloaded:

Instructions. By Robert Sabuda.

We are going to use color paper and we will use them as hanging trees.

Rotational symmetry
6-pointed Paper Snowflakes instructions. This task will be a good example of polygons and rotational symmetry.


Saturday, 6 December 2014

Christmas Card Contest


1º ESO:
All we want for Christmas is your great smile…..but if you have cookies….Merry Christmas. María G. T.
2º ESO:
Christmasis like eating an ice cream, you enjoy it, but it’s too short. Begoña M. G.
3º ESO:
Christmas day has come and the best present is the family. Happy Christmas.    Karima S.
4º ESO:
Christmas is not only opening presents but also opening your heart. Carla R. F.

Christmas Card Contest
  • Choose one of these winner sentences to illustrate your Christmas Card.
  • Make minimum 4 sketches. They can be portrait or landscape format.
  • A5 format (a folded A4) and free technique.

Deadline: Thursday 11th December.
(a mark will be given not only for the final task but for the sketches too).

Friday, 5 December 2014

Candidatures - Make a Gami

  • Do  you want more than a VOKI for your candidature?
  • Using your mobile phone (iOS or Android) you can create a GAMI. Download TELLAGAMI App and enjoy! Do you dear? I will prefer your own voice!

  • And... what about creating a song? Download SONGIFY in your mobile phone or tablet and record your electoral programe with your own voice and see what happens.
  • And a "TV advertisment about YOU!? Use PowToon, and you can use Get hired! template. Watch my video (I've used a different template).

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Manipulating images with IT

Stretch your face is a funny on-line software to get a new transformed image, a caricature... You can interpretate your face or whatever famous picture just uploading a jpg or png file.

Examples of last year students

Just upload your picture and move the mouse, it will move. You can find this software: Water Effect Animation.

Water Effect by

FACE TRANSFORMER - The perception laboratory's face transformer.
... into Botticelli, Modigliani, Baby, Manga... ENJOY! : Face transformer image upload.
I'll be the first one:
First row: Modigliani, Botticelli, Mucha    Second row: baby, manga, apewoman