Wednesday, 31 October 2012

It's Halloween!

Click the image to see a scary movie

Halloween Celebration on PhotoPeach

Click on the images and... they will dance!

Halloween Decoration on Animoto

Make your own slideshow with music at Animoto.

Making of - Halloween gadgets - on PhotoPeach

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Your tasks: Editing a JPG file for Halloween

Make your own photo slideshow at Animoto.

Try our slideshow maker at Animoto. Ghosts in our high school on PhotoPeach

Walking Dead in our high school on PhotoPeach

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Editing a JPG file for Halloween

This is an online software you will never forget! Upload your picture and...

Enjoy while working:

Symmetry with IT

Activities for the computer classroom

Line symmetry

Multiple line symmetry
  • Snowflake Creation. Multiple line symmetry.
  • SymmeToy. You can download it (it's free). It is a program to create paint patterns, symmetry roses, tessellated art and symmetrically decorated 3D polyhedron models.
Rotational symmetry



Discovering SYMMETRIES

You have been given one Halloween character to complete the missing part. You can not trace or fold it, nor measure more than 15 or 20 points (by using the drafting compass or a ruler) in order to get the mirror image by symmetry.

A symmetry task:

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Your tasks: Typography with ICT

TYPOGRAPHY WITH ICT 1 - 1st ESO Pozuelo de Alarcón on PhotoPeach



Parallel and Perpendicular lines... in English!

What a big surprise! Eva A., 1st A has recorded a video at home for us. It is GREAT!!!!
Thank you very much Eva.

Although it is not exactly the way I want you to place the set square 45 degrees ruler, it is a good idea to see this video because the author is Indian and you will hear a different accent.

Graphic Design

what is graphic design from Steve Quinn on Vimeo.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Typography. Interactive activities using ICT

Activities for the computer room
  • Look, you will be able to build your name using letters from Flickr. Look at my name:
 letter O letra S letra A

If you want to build yours, this is the link: You only have to write the name in the white box, click on "spell" and you will get your letters. If you want to change the type, just click on each letter and a new one will apperar.  Click right mouse button on each letter to save it as a jpg image. You can use them in your school homeworks, posters, in headlines, titles, headings... or just to write a letter or a greeting card to a friend. This is more original than using Word or PowerPoint WordArt. Isn´t it?.

  • Try another one. Using the software CoolText, we transform a text into amazing icons. I have used it and this is what I got:

  • The following one is in French, but I'm sure you will do with it: Coloriage Prenom.

Letters can be used to create whatever you like. Have a look:
Do you want to try?



Type the sky

Type the sky is an original project by Lisa Rienermann, a student of Duisburg-Essen University. Each letter is an empty space in the sky of Barcelona surrounded by buildings. She says: "Todo comenzó por la Q. Estaba en una pequeña calle de Barcelona y al mirar hacia arriba vi las casas, el cielo y las nubes. El área oscurecida por las casas dejaba entrever una forma en el cielo que parecía una Q. Esa fue la idea de la técnica. Pensé que si una Q me había encontrado a mi, no sería difícil que yo encontrara al resto del alfabeto. De modo que pasé semanas mirando al cielo, buscando el resto de las letras entre las casas."


Eating from A to Z! By Luiza P. (Flicker user). She says: “This project was conceived as a way to document my eating habits and routine, through the creation of an alphabet.“

A pop-up book.

Human alphabets
Human Alphabets 3

View more presentations from Sotirios R.
Human alphabets 2
Human alphabets 1