Friday, 30 March 2012


We are on vacation. It may be a great idea to create something original for this season. In the video you will find some ideas and some materials you can use, just the things you have at home.

Bring your ARTWORK back to class and I will give you a VERY BIG POSITIVE MARK.

Try with Easter vocabulary here.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Viewfinder... and doodles, by the way

The viewfinder is an invaluable resource for artists in composing a picture for painting. Simply put, a viewfinder is a piece of card with a rectangular window cut in the middle. It works like a window and helps the artist to find compositions for painting. All the artist has to do is look through.

It can be held in various ways to edit the view in front. First of all, you can hold it to create a PORTRAIT VIEW (vertical) or a LANDSCAPE VIEW (horizontal):
Sometimes you can create more sophisticated viewfinders...
Adjustable frame to choose different formats
To place the main lines of the composition
With self-adhesive Velcro to choose the format and size

Another use of a viewfinder:
You can use a viewfinder as an isolation frame to choose a piece of a drawing which is going to be your next drawing to develop.
For example:
Susan Sorrell:  "...Doodling is my main inspiration for my artwork. I like the letting go and just playing with shapes and designs..never knowing what I will come up with. I try to fill up a page in my sketch book as a challenge to my creative side. As soon as the page is filled, I pull out my trusty isolation frame to find my ideas for my next painting."
Doodle by Susan Sorrell
Susan Sorrell's doodle with the isolation frame to choose the part she is interested in.

Final artwork by Susan Sorrell
  • A doodle is an unfocused drawing made while a person's attention is otherwise occupied. Doodles are simple drawings that can have concrete representational meaning or may just be abstract shapes. I'm sure all of as have done doodles.
Example of a doodle

Making a viewfinder is quite easy. We have built a simple one in class to practice with it. For homework you will have to build a better one using a cardboard.

Thursday, 22 March 2012



Interpretational Art
  • Landscape Van Gogh Style. Learn how to paint landscapes like Van Gogh. Then try painting one of your own using this site.
  • Phototropism. Sculpters that react to like plants to weather conditions. Create a futuristic landscape with them.

  • Sea Saws. Create your seascape or lanscape using digital recyclable materials.

Abstract Art
  • Mondrimat. Create a picture with space, color and visual rhythm in accordance with the theories of Piet Mondrian.

  • Viscosity. Create abstract art with viscosity.
  • Bomomo. It is another Web-based drawing application. Try out all the clever tools below the canvas and create amazing and colorful spirals, curves, lines and patterns.

  • ArtPad. Paintings can be saved to the gallery and be replayed stroke by stroke by others. Many people publish videos replaying their creations to Youtube.

  • Canvastic. You can create a picture with shapes, stars and lines.

A littel bit of everything:
  • MoMA activities. Explore the New York Museum and learn about different artists.
  • Detail Detective. You will find portraits, still life, abstract paintings, hyperrealistic artworks... everything we have studied these days.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Practicing Art Styles

TASK 1: Task interpretating drawings

TASK 2: Task Interpretating a Picture

Besides, you have to explain your abstract pictures (of course in English): why you have used some colours, shapes, lines... what your intentions or your feelings are... You are the creator, so, explain your creation.

Artistic Styles

VOCABULARY we are going to work for some weeks:

3 artistic styles, degree of iconicity:
  • Realism: Images and pictures try to copy the reality. >> hiperrealism.
  • Figurative (representational art): Images and pictures interpret the reality.
  • Abstract: Images and pictures use lines, arcs, shapes, colours, textures... and you can not recognize the reality but emotions, dreams, feelings...
By theme:
  • LANDSCAPE (jungle - forest - mountains ...)
By type:
  • PAINTING - artwork - masterpiece - picture - piece of art
  • SCULPTURE - relief
  • ENGRAVING - collograph - blind collograph
By format:
  • Portrait (vertical)
  • Landscape (horizontal)

If realism is very very exaggerated, we have Hyper-realism:



Thursday, 8 March 2012


Thanks to Adrián U., Wei L. and Alexandra B. (4th ESO), some 3D objects have appeared in our Visual Arts classroom:

Now, we will have to learn about perspective.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

3D classroom art

Let's practice "3D classroom art":
Do you dare to build a cube? It will be a good and simple example of anamorphosis.


From the correct point of view
From an incorrect viewpoint

Friday, 2 March 2012


1. Stare at the red dot on her nose for 30 seconds.
2. Turn to face a blank, light coloured surface (ceiling or wall).
3. Blink repeatedly and quickly.
4. Now... what do you see?